May 2022

Volume 3.4

Welcome to the North Carolina School Library Media Association's Monthly newsletter!

Questions? Contact

In this edition:

NCSLMA Website

Our Sponsors


Jenny Umbarger

NCSLMA President


With School Library Month coming to an end, we hope you celebrated - and were celebrated - in a big way! We were appreciative to receive Governor Cooper’s proclamation (see copy linked here), and thank you to our Advocacy and Governance section for their work on making this happen. Spring is in full swing and while the exhaustion of this year is still a thing, I am also feeling a sense of rejuvenation seeing all of the budding and blooming of trees and flowers. This new growth extends into our own organization.

We are pleased to announce the creation of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Section, led by co-chairs Michelle Burton and Ness Shortly. Michelle has been serving as chair of the DEI Special Committee created back in September of 2020. The NCSLMA Board was in agreement with Michelle and her committee that this should be a standing committee to continue to address DEI issues as they arise in the daily life of our organization and in the world at large and to facilitate professional development and learning opportunities relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Thank you for the work you have done and will continue to do!

Laura Aldridge has moved from Membership Support Director to another new section within our organizational structure: AASL Delegate. As a state organization affiliated with AASL, we are required to have two delegates for the Chapter Assembly. Historically, NCSLMA’s President and Past President or President-Elect have served in this capacity. Having designated delegates will allow for a greater understanding of and involvement in the Chapter Assembly and allow the Presidents to focus more on our organization. Sarah Justice will join Laura as the second delegate in January when her term as Awards, Grants, and Scholarship Director ends.

Welcome to new board members Shelly Cloninger, who has been appointed Membership Director, and Elizabeth Pickering, elected to fill the secretary vacancy through the end of 2022. Katie Moose has taken over as Brew Crew Coordinator, and earlier this year we announced Stephanie Powell as our new Advocacy Chair and Lori Munroe was elected to fill the vacancy of Piedmont East Director through December 2022.

You can see a full NCSLMA Leadership Directory linked here.

Thank you to all of the board members for taking on these new roles, and we look forward to continuing to grow!


Jennifer Abel

Conference Chair, President Elect

More information coming soon!


Calling All Bloggers

NCSLMA has a small blog on our website. If you would like to contribute to it, please send submissions to We're looking for news items, stories about your library, fun events you have had, etc. Pictures can be included and are welcomed. There are no minimum or maximum length requirements. Share some of the great things going on in your library!

Coastal Regions Update

Greetings Coastal Regions! 

Sara Levin and the Coastal Regional Advisory Committee would like to hear from you.  Please complete this survey to help us plan how to best serve regions 1 & 2.  We look forward to hearing from you.  Thank you!

Check your emails!

Notification of proposal acceptances go out May 2. Make sure to check your e-mail! We are grateful for everyone who submitted a proposal and wish we could accept them all. Together, we make NCSLMA an amazing organization.

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May be an image of text that says 'First Time Attendee TRAVEL GRANT We'll help you get there! Apply now for a $500 travel grant for first time attendees Ûo the NCSLMA annual conference. Go to https://slmawildaprico.orgrants'

May be an image of text that says 'NCSLMA Scholarships Are you currently enrolled in a Media program? $1000 scholarships available for NCSLMA members http:/ 田岡里'

Updates to the NCSLMA Webpage

We've added a couple of items on the website that we wanted to make sure everyone knew about.

The first is a book challenge form. While this has been on the website for a while, we wanted to make it really easy to find, so it's now on the homepage. This form is for formal and informal challenges. It has been updated and the information you provide in it will help NCSLMA volunteers help you.

The second addition is a Google events calendar, along with an accompanying events submission form. NCSLMA members do a LOT and we want to help you tell the world about it. If you are hosting a regional event or a PD that is open to members, please submit the information so we can add it. The calendar also includes NCSLMA-specific events such as Awards Applications, Brew Crew, Conference Registration, Summer Learning Series, etc. 

Better Together Grants Now Available

Better Together grants are available to K-12 NCSLMA member media coordinators (certified or provisional) in public or private schools, in partnership with classroom teachers, for innovative projects that foster the integration of media / information skills into the K-12 curriculum. The focus is on individual media coordinators and teachers rather than on district-wide projects. Up to three (3) one-year grants totaling $1,000 each will be awarded. Previous grant winners may re-apply after three years. Grant winners will be expected to present at the NCSLMA Conference. Due date is May 31, 2022.

Visit for more information and for the application.

May be an image of text that says 'GREAT IDEAS ARE BETTER WHEN THEY'RE SHARED! BETTER TOGETHER GRANT Apply now for the NCSLMA Better Together Grant! Partner with a classroom teacher on an innovative project that fosters the integration of media information skills into the K-12 curriculum.'

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Closing Keynote--2022 Conference

We are excited to announce that Dr. April Dawkins will be our closing keynote speaker for the 2022 NCSLMA Conference! We cannot wait to see all of you October 6-8. Make sure you follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to stay up to date on everything NCSLMA.

We have a new store!

NCSLMA Sections

Director: Faith Huff

Director: Susan Sawin

Awards, Grants, Scholarships
Director: Sarah Justice

Book Programs
Director: Stacy Hersey

Director: Cindy Sturdivant

Director: Laura Aldridge

Regional Directors:
Lead: Robin Rhodes

Social Media
Director: Alicia Luke

Director: Kristy Sartain


Member Spotlight

We'd like to continue the appreciation and the acknowledgement from School Library Month with a new Membership Spotlight feature which highlights some of our fantastic NCSLMA members.  Meet our first member spotlights: Ashley Greene and Monet Hardison and follow them on social media.